Ой, то не вечер - полная версия песни группы "Баба Яга" из кф Волчья кровь.

В оригинальном концерте группы песня называется So Ends Enother Day - Так Заканчивается День

Режиссёр - Николай Стамбула.
Композитор - Владимир Комаров.
В главных ролях: Евгений Сидихин, Александр Казаков.


Ermitage - Russian Memories (Song For Lara) (Album Version)

Oh at this evening ( "Oy da ne vecher" (Ой да не вечер) "The Cossack parable" "Казачья притча" "Stepan Razin's dream" "So ends another day" Ermitage - Russian Memories ( "Song For Lara" ) (Album Version) )


Oh, at this evening, at this evening,
I was sleeping so small time,
I was sleeping so small time,
Oh, and I saw in my dreams...
I saw in my dreams,
That my horse (black as crow)
Was like crazy
Under my saddle.
Oh, evil wings came
From the east side
Oh, and disrupted black cap
From my head.
But my esaul* was clever
He understood and explained my dream
“Oh, you will lose”-He said
You will lose your head”
Oh, at this evening, at this evening,
I was sleeping so small time,
I was sleeping so small time,
Oh, and I saw in my dreams...


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